Thursday, June 25, 2009

German Movie "Jerichow" at the Hollywood Theater

Starting June 26, 2009 through July 2nd, 2009. Jerichow will be playing at the Hollywood Theater in NE Portland. The movie theater is located at 4122 NE Sandy. Here is a link to the movie It will be shown in German with English subtitles.

I don't know about you, but I will definitively go and see the movie. Have fun!

July 2, 2009 - Bayern Muenchen Reserve Team vs. Timbers

Do you like soccer? Do you like German soccer? This coming Thursday July 2nd, 2009 the Bayern Muenchen Reserve Team will play the Portland Timbers at PGE Park. Tickets are $15/ea. The game starts at 7 PM. For more information, or to get tickets go to, or

Have fun!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I am back...

So now it is June and I have not blogged since February. WOW!!! That was a super long hiatus. Lot's of things happened on the PDX German front :) - In March the girls and I went to Germany for three weeks. We got back the second week of April and had a really fantastic time. There was snow, but Lufthansa just had the most fantastic deal...The condo was great, food was good, and I went to the Sauna at least two times every single week. "This is the life"... back in Portland everyday life caught on quickly. Yes, and I started up blogging on the other blog way before this one. Not that I don't think about it...but feels like I have been just not having any spare time. But now, I am BACK...

Summer is here and the market's are back on. It is just so European. Wonderful, but I have to admit that I am quite sad that we are not going to Europe this summer :(. Hopefully we will be able to visit again around Xmas time. My oldest daughter has already been asking Ron when we will go back... :(

As for German things this summer, there a lot of things going on here in PDX. The playgroup is meeting every Friday. Contact me for more information about that. German camp at the Deutsche Haus, a German movie at the Hollywood Theater starting June 26th, the second team of Bayern Muenchen will be playing the Timbers, etc....Check back. I will update the events page shortly.

For us this summer brings camping, and exploring the great state of Oregon. This coming weekend will actually be the first time this summer to bring out the tent...Have a great evening.