Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summertime = Campingtime

Last year was my first time camping in Oregon, OK I admit in the United States and you know what? I LOVE it...quite fantastic. We really like tent camping and this year we also discovered Yurt Camping. Wow, is that great!!! It is very, very, very rustic but there is electricity, a table, two chairs, a bunk bed, and a futon. Plus a fire-pit, and picnic bench. Very nice. Oregon State Park calls it "camping lite" and yes it is true. Here is a link to the site describing Yurts...http://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/PARKS/rustic.shtml#RUSTIC_YURTS. It is somewhat, remotely, similar to camping with a rented tent. For example, we travelled to France before from the United States and stayed on a campground in an already set up tent. That tent had cots, but different to the Yurt it also had a camping stove, utensils, bedding, etc. So yes, similar but oh so different.

This time we went to Champoeg for the All American, or should I say Oregonian, experience. Great, great campground. It is a "State Heritage Area" and it is easy to imagine what it must have been like for the early settlers. Plus it is less than an hour drive away from Portland. Check it out...here is the link to the park. http://www.oregonstateparks.org/park_113.php Happy camping :)))

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