Thursday, January 3, 2008

How many Germans are in Portland?

OK - I do not know how many Germans, and German speaking call Portland home. One thing I know is that it appears as if I am meeting people who at the very least understand German every day.

Last week shopping at New Seasons we met one native speaker, and two others who spoke German fluently. It is easy to know that I am a German speaker as I only speak German with my two little ones...Then the same week I was out shopping with a German friend and we met a native Austrian who has lived in PDX for five years.

When living in Chicago I do not recall on meeting as many native German speakers. The difference probably is because it was not evident for others to "identify" me as German as both my children are native Oregonians :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ich habe wirklich kein coment
aber ich suche einen deutschsprachigen single Brieffreund,
mein Name ist Magdalena Kron, bin 60 Jahre alt Single
moechte eine gleichaltrige Person kennen lernen
weiss nicht recht ob dies Die richtige stelle ist, wo ich mich hinwenden kann.
vieleicht koenen Sie mir damit ein wenig helfen. Vielen Dank im voraus
Hochachtungs voll
Magdalena Kron