Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day...

The big day was finally here and at long last we are no longer inundated with political ads. In all aspects this was a historical race. An African-American running for President, and on the other side a woman running for Vice-President. I have never seen such excitement about politics. People wearing their buttons, T-Shirts, bumper stickers, etc. proclaiming you has their vote. I do not recall having ever seen anything like that in Germany. But truth be said, I have been living in the States for a very long time. So please let me know if you feel that is incorrect. Are people in Germany showing their "color" by admitting whom they support?

We spent the election day evening at our friends house on the other side of PDX. Driving back home on Hawthorne, there were fireworks (yup - fireworks), people on the streets dancing, cheering, crying, drumming...This is (to draw an analogy) how I imagine the streets in Germany were when the German soccer team made it to the finals in the 2006 World Cup. But to see this to celebrate an election...

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