Friday, December 26, 2008

Christkind, or Santa Claus

I think that is the questions many of living here in the States face. Who will bring the children presents? I grew up with the Christkind and, as is German tradition, always got presents on Christmas Eve. Ron on the other hand grew up in the States and Santa Claus would always bring him presents on Christmas Day. So what to do? We obviously are raising our children in the States so Santa Claus is a must. I think that my German roots however also warrant to keep the German tradition. So this is what happens in our house.

The Christkind comes on Christmas Eve and leaves some presents under the tree. Before the kids go to bed they leave a cookie out for Santa Claus with hopes that he will come overnight. I think our kids are super lucky to have both bring presents...

Christmas Eve after dinner, we watched a Christmas movie and came back downstairs to find that the Christkind had visited us. Alena was SO excited. Then yesterday morning Alena was the first person up. She immediately ran over to the tree, and stockings. "Mama der Weihnachtsmann war da. Komm schnell..." she yelled to me and to Ron "Papa, Santa Claus was here. You have to come right away..." What excitement. That's what its all about, the excitement of the kids, right?!

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