Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas dinner...

Christmas dinner is saved...It has stopped snowing and Ron was able to pick up our Goose, and the Fleischkaese aka Leberkaese. Are you wondering what we are having for Christmas? Wonder no longer, here are the answers

On Christmas Eve we are having traditional Fleischkaese und Kartoffelsalat. We will go to mass, come home, the Christkind will have visited, and will eat.

For Christmas Day we are having our traditional Goose. I serve it with Kartoffelknoedel (potato dumplings), Rotkraut (braised red cabbage), and stuffed with a chestnut fruit stuffing. Of course I will also make gravy. As for the recipe I am not using any "secret" recipe from my German family. In Germany we actually never had Goose, and there really was never any traditional food for the holidays. I follow the recipes from the Joy of Cooking. This year is my 4th (or is it my 5th?) year of making the Goose. We all love it.

I love having family traditions. That is why we started making the Goose. It is something special, something which needs a lot of time and preparation. Now, please let me know what you are having for Christmas. Will it be something you make every year, or is it different every year. Please let me know. Just post a comment. I LOVE to hear from you :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we'll have fleischkäse on the christmas eve as every year(well it's the 3rd year;) )
and on the 25th we'll have Osso buco
on the 26th we'll get sth from the pomodoro and we'll stay at Opa's house as you know ;o)
